Saturday, May 26, 2007

The art of expression and your freedom

If you are a internet surfer or you have couple of free hours after hard work then you will go and surf Internet because you are boring and you want occupy yourself. while you are surfing you might come across number of search records about blogs. So who are these bloggers.

The beauty of a blog is that there are no editorial guidelines. If you wake up on Monday you may feel completely different from the way you will on Tuesday, and your posts should reflect this. Eventually you'll find your own voice and a style you're happy with, and if what you write is interesting and/or entertaining, then you'll find an audience organically. You won't have to try to impress. Determined bloggers who sit at their computers all day have time and room to get stories started in a way beyond the interest or capacity of cable news networks.

So as a blogger I have started blogging in January 2006. For me I found Google blogging platform as a best choice. But I know you wont agree with me, as there are number of other blog platforms like word press netfirms and so on. Refresh you mind with information that I have taken from a recent blog survey.

52.8% of all bloggers update their blogs at least daily
The majority of bloggers blog from both work and home
52.7% of all bloggers surveyed used Blogger as their blogging service platform
By far the majority of bloggers blog for "fun"

You know how powerful bloggers are. Governments, large companies and even political figures, celebrities blog and they are influenced by bloggers. So why don't you show you ability and blog. There are lot of artilce that you can read.

Blogging Experience
Run you own website
Handbook for bloggers and cyber-dissidents

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