The Community of love and kindness
Its a normal tuesday evening the community of love and kindness is in its noraml rate in every corner that i have seen. Neverthless people make their lives after a hard try some people would like to stay in home and enjoy the living of others. This is what we called injustice in this real world.Why they are not making things for their life? Do they have enough money or they need to enjoy by sacrificing others lives. Everyday when i go to the community of love i see people come and beg for money and food sometimes even for their health. Most of the time i say no. Why beacause i dont have enough money to satisfy the community of love. The actual earning of a individual is not enough to feed a cammel for a day in this real world.
Therefore i recall my parents and my family and all my good friends and the whol community to devote something to this community of love and kindness. One day you will get rewqarded by your good deeds.