Sunday, August 06, 2006

Computer Forensics

Due to the increase of hacking and electronic data fraud governments and private organizations have adopted different mechanism to tackle these problems. Especially, Western countries the effort to security of electronic data is very much higher than those less developed countries like us.

One of the new area recently they have introduced for this problem is Computer Forensics: computer forensics is the scientific examination and analysis of data held on or retrieved from, computer storage media in such a way that the information can be used as evidence in a court law.

Types of cyber crime that can involve computer forensics are child porn, breech of computer security, fraud/theft, Narcotics Investigation, Burglary, Suicide, Administrative investigation, E-mail investigation, Sexual assault and many more

This is very useful and high demanding area where if you have obtained necessary qualifications. Now most of IT schools, colleges, universities, Computer Forensics is taught as a separate module. There are some colleges who offer undergraduate degrees in Computer Forensics.

Well this is a great opportunity for those who have interest in investigation especially cyber crime and fraud investigation. I assure guarantee, you will like this area. There are more information and lot of books and resources available on Internet. Most of these computer forensics tools are available for free, so u can download them and use in your home or office, especially this is ideal for organizations involved in data security and recovery.

You can download most of the available tools for Computer Forensics from

The Analyser - Fraud Investigation

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